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filmeu are 2023 Peripheral Perspectives FilmEU Online Artistic Research Exhibition

Peripheral Perspectives showcases 12 outstanding audiovisual artistic research works by postgraduate researchers from higher education institutions across Europe. Alongside a physical exhibition that was held during the FilmEU summit in Genk (3-7 October 2023), this new online platform aims to disseminate artistic research work beyond the university walls, making it available to the community at large.

Artistic researchers:

Misho Antadze, Guido Devadder, Aleksandra Ianchenko, Tõnis Jürgens, Julian King, Michelle & Uri Kranot, Carlos E. Lesmes, Nina Liebenberg, Lina Persson, Jon Stam, Maja Kolar, Thomas Hügin, Valentin Vogelmann & Boris Smeenk, Soraya Vasconcelos, Lea Vidakovic

ARE 2023

Peripheral Perspectives

FilmEU Online Artistic Research Exhibition

We stand at a pivotal moment in the history and the development of artistic research in Europe, when models of funding, supervision and assessment are under scrutiny. It is vital that we create a public space for displaying and debating artistic research outside the walls of academia.

In 2023, the ARE exhibition will bring to an international arena work that is currently hidden and out of the spotlight. In a hunt for what is peripheral, the aim is to bring visibility to that which lies hidden in academic departments, and to enrich the debate on artistic research.

The variety of works on show reflects the wealth of cutting-edge approaches to artistic research in film, documentary, animation and media arts from across Europe. The exhibition offers the viewer a challenging journey, encompassing stories from stray alligators to lost families, hidden archives, fleeting memories, the realms of dreams and of sleep, and peripheral worlds covered in snow. 

ARE 2023 Selection Committee 

Elen Lotman
Tallinn University, Estonia
Érica Faleiro Rodrigues
Lusófona University, Portugal
Ils Huygens
LUCA School of Arts, Belgium 
Lies Van de Vijver
LUCA School of Arts, Belgium
Martina Mullaney
Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Ireland
Teet Teinemaa
Tallinn University, Estonia 
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